Thursday, July 5, 2012

~Trusting Him~

This post was inspired after reading my friends blog post titled, "Trusting God in our Single Years *Giveaway*". It is to give some ideas on how we as single young ladies can be joyful and content in whatever state we are in! One season in life is not more important or more significant than another. God created each season for a purpose and we should joyfully fulfill the purpose He has for us in every moment that He has given us breath! "Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD!" ~Psalm 150:6~

1. One way we can joyfully serve Christ now is by taking advantage of having less distractions and obligations in life than we might have in the future and to really press in and deepen our relationships with Christ. With a husband and a family comes many needs and responsibilities-certainly NOT bad ones or ones that should be looked upon as a burden mind you, however, there will be different kinds of needs and demands required of us during that season none the less. "There is difference also between a wife and a virgin. The unmarried woman careth for the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit: but she that is married careth for the things of the world, how she may please her husband." ~1Cor. 7:34~  And don't get me wrong single years can definitively be busy ones! However, no matter what season we are in we must purpose to prioritize seeking Christ above all else. During our single years and throughout life, we must be diligent to really strive to know God's heart and to develop a very close, intimate relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! We need to seek God's wisdom so that we will know how we can become better sisters, daughters, friends and daughters of the King in addition to all the other many roles we hold. We should also seek wisdom from God so that we'll be better equipped and prepared to someday enter the role of a wife and helper to our future husband as well as a loving, nurturing mother to our children, if the Lord directs us down that path. As we strive to fall more in love with Jesus, we will learn how to allow Christ to move in and through us, as we minister to others, as well as our families. The more kinks in our lives we can yield over to the Lord to reshape and mold closer to His perfect image for our lives, before marriage, the better!
2. Serve others. Being single is not always easy. In fact it doesn't really take much time at all to discover yourself a bit restless, discouraged and in a big puddle of self-pity. I believe God created in us a desire to love and be loved, to cherish and be cherished. However, I don't believe he wanted us to be completely swept away by our longings, where those longings begin to consume our every thought and begin to pine away waiting for Mr. Right. Instead, have you ever considered that you might still be single for a specific purpose? "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven..." ~Ecc. 3:1~  There just might be a particular need God wants to meet through you during this time and you may be more available and/or better suited to meet that need at this time, in this season! And remember, there are ways God may still be wanting to grow, prepare and teach both you and your future husband before you meet! We should allow God to prepare us as He sees fit. God sees the big picture and His timing is perfect! We can trust that God has our best interest in mind and He is faithful to supply our every need. But whether we are married or not we need to live our lives to bring Him glory! Christ's love for us is greater than any human could ever give to us and He gave the ultimate sacrifice of sending His Son Jesus to die on the cross for all our sins. And this Lover desires to have a personal relationship with each one of us! We must find our satisfaction in Christ before we are ready to enter a relationship with someone. If we allow Christ's love to flow in and through us, then we will finally be able to love with a sacrificial 1 Cor. 13 kind of love. A love that lasts! As we continue to grow in the love of Christ, we can also pour this kind of love out towards others in our lives even now. Look for ways you can serve and meet the needs of those God has placed around you. Waiting on the Lord is not necessarily can actually be rather busy! By giving of your time and energy in this way, your service and sharing of Christ can not only help, bless and touch the lives of others, but it also turns our attentions from ourselves and can point others toward Christ! To Him be all glory honor and praise! 
3.Continue to learn and be industrious. As I mentioned before, we can be active as we wait on God to bring us along a husband and in fact I believe we should be! We can be busy and as we continue to wait, rest, and trust God for His perfect timing to meet our every need. We are also to redeem the time and be productive developing skills and interests that the Lord has given us. Whatever it is God is calling us to be someday and if being a wife and mother is included in His plan for us, we will need a very broad range of knowledge and skills in many areas...some of these might include and are not limited to the following areas...

basic home repairs
first aide
hair cutting/styling
home management
home decorating
basic vehicle maintenance

(The above is a small list of the many different things that come to my mind to which can be studied and developed and it is certainly not an exhaustive list, but is merely presented to give some ideas to consider and spring off of. So, feel free to add to the list! :) )

If God is preparing us to be a helper to our future husband, we want to be diligent to assist him as best we can and in the meantime we can put our giftings to good use right where God has us at this very moment!

Let's prepare for the future, but don't forget the needs and calling God has for us in our current season of life!

Blessings to you all!
~Chloe~  :)

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